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MWPISD is having an issue with snakes of all kinds moving in and about the district. We have seen a particular problem at Parkway Elementary, with snakes even getting in the building! We have addressed and are actively trying to remedy the problem by making sure snakes cannot get under the doors and we will continue to remain vigilant. We have contacted pest control professionals and other entities to see what else can be done to help with snakes getting close to the building. However, this will be hard to do seeing that the school was built in their domain. Rest assured that we will do what is necessary to keep our kids safe.

MWPISD will do what we can but please talk to your children about staying away from snakes. If your child sees a snake on campus, they need to stay away and let an adult know. It is VERY IMPORTANT that, as parents, you educate your children on not touching snakes or trying to “catch” them.

Chad Smith
MWPISD Superintendent

Mission Statement

The Monahans-Wickett-Pyote Independent School District believes that it is responsible for providing quality curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular programs and activities which give all students opportunities to reach their maximum potential and become productive citizens of our community and country

Vision Statement

Monahans-Wickett-Pyote Independent School District, with children as its first priority, strives to provide a safe, rigorous, stimulating academic environment in which students find both challenge and support to exceed state and federal standards while acquiring skills to make life-long choices.
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